The .dev domain used to belong to no one. So a lot of companies used the .dev as their development host url when they were building thieir sites locally.
Then one day Google came along and bought up the entire domain. So then NO one had access to .dev, and the land was sad. But then one day, Google
decided that they would not only let people have .dev again, but this time, it was tied to a legitimate domain that the world could use and see! So
since Autus.Com was already taken, I swooped in and jacked moved Autus.Dev at a lightning quick pace, and here I am. I have no formal training in
web development or programming, but I grew up around computers and my closest friends have become well established professionals in the computer science
field. So after years of denying my true nature, here I am, way older and more set in my ways, trying to learn web development from the ground up.
Welcome to Autus.Dev.